Your New Years resolution or ????????
A while back we had fun with a little survey. If you have a few minutes, I thought this might be fun, too. I am sure you all know Jennifer McGuire. In case you haven't seen her video of her craft studio, grab a cup of coffee, sit down, relax, and you might want go grab a tissue in case you drool or cry easily!
Click here :
Now, just for fun....answer a few questions...
1. Would you like to have her craft room?
2. Do you prefer to have a place for everything and everything in it place?
3. Honestly...when you sit down to work, how much room do you really use?
4. Would you be more creative if you were organized like Jennifer?
5. Or do you prefer to work in a 'creative mess'?
So just so you won't be afraid to are my answers:
1. Sure, especially if the vendors gave me all of that stuff!
2. I might like to be really organized, not ever gonna happen and would last 5 minutes.
3. I have stuff all over the table and work in a 12" square area.
4. I think the environment is too sterile for a magazine photos of a house where nobody lives.
5. Yep...I guess I prefer a creative mess.....or just a mess...........
Sooooooo. no New Year's Resolutions for me.......but I might go through the paper scrap drawers and purge since the drawers get hung up from too much paper. I might clean off the "teacher table" because the table cloth really needs washing (but you can only see the 12" square work area, right?) The stock room is not bad except we have some boxes of stuff on the floor, might need to deal with that. FYI....I will never part with my Personal Stamp Exchange stamps or my Stampscapes stamps. Really need to reorganize all of the drawers in the classroom...might do that when I get all of those Ikea drawers like Jen. (right).
Well, I hope you are not too depressed from watching Jennifer's video....sorry if I am getting 2017 off to a bad start for you.I really hope you have a happy, healthy, inspired year!